If your kids love crafting and creating things out of anything, then beans must be on their list! Today we have some super awesome bean craft ideas that are perfect for your little ones! Check them out below!
Be prepared for some awesome bean crafts today!
These bean crafting ideas are perfect for kids of all ages! Yes, all ages!
Super Fun Bean Crafts for Kids of All Ages
1. Lima Beans and Cupcake Liners Letter Matching
While the big kids are crafting other arts, your little ones can match lettered lima beans to cupcake holders in this awesome bean learning activity by The Imagination Tree.

2. An Awesome and Creative Beans and Seeds Mosaic
Your kids can use seeds, beans, nuts, shells, and rice to make this creative summer seed mosaic by First Palette! This art activity is super awesome your kids will not notice time passing by!
Grab all the different kinds of beans and seed in your house and let your kids get busy with this mosaic!
3. Cool Farm Bean Sensory Play Bin
Your little ones can play in this cool barnyard activity bin by Love and Lollipops while the bigger kids are working on their awesome crafts. What sound does the cow say?
Old McDonald had a farm, but your little one has a beanyard!
4. Practice Your Toddler’s Counting Ability with Beans
Your littles can practice their counting using popsicle sticks and beans! This awesome learning activity by Life as a Schoolhouse is so fun to do with your toddlers!
Beans can definitely help your young ones learn how to count!
5. Create a Bean Rock Craft with Fishes
Your little one can make an awesome bean seafloor for fish! Swim among the bean rocks on this sweet paper plate and bean craft by Daisy Cottage Designs!
Help your little one create this awesome water bean craft!
6. Make This Cool Ball Made Out of Balloons and Beans
This fun beanbag balloon idea by Not So Idle Hands is super simple to make and so fun to squeeze! Kids of all ages will definitely love making these!
Make this adorarble squishy bean bag with your kids!
7. Create this Awesome CD and Bean Mosaic
Your big kids can use old CD cases to make this fun bean art by Mini Matisse! They can make any awesome figures they can think of!
Your kids can make a mosaic of a face, an animal, or anything they like!
8. An Awesome Bean and Pasta Science Project
Help the littles explore the butterfly life cycle with this simple bean and pasta project by Eberharts Explorers! They’ll surely love discovering how a beautiful butterfly comes to life!
This lovely bean and pasta project is simply awesome!
9. Crafty Candle Holders Made Out of Beans!
These adorable bean-crafted candle holders from Family Spice are super easy to make and will be such an awesome way for your big kids to show off their art to guests!
This colorful canle holder is made up of different kinds of beans!
10. Cute Variety of Beans Mosaic Project for Kids
Brighten up your home with this gorgeous dried bean mosaic project by MPM Ideas! Your kids can make them out of all the beans you can find at home or at the store!
This awesome beans mosaic deserves to be displayed in the living room!
11. Big Kids are for Big Bean Arts!
Keep your big kids busy for hours with this fun bean art idea from New Nostalgia! Help them create all kinds of designs they can come up with!
Peace sign? Heart shapes? Stars? Make as much bean arts as your kids want!
12. Magical Bean Growing Activity
Watch the wonder grow in your child’s eyes when they see how easy it is to grow a lima bean from a dried lima bean! This Science activity from The Imagination Tree will tap the scientist in your child!
How fast can a lima bean sprout into a plant?
13. Create a Hidden Picture Mosaic Out of Beans!
This hidden picture bean project by eHow will take your big kids step by step through how to create their own hidden picture art! Be careful with guessing, your eyes might deceive you!
Can you guess the hidden picture in this bean art?
14. Make Some Lady Bugs From Lima Beans
The younger ones can have some awesome fun learning about ladybugs with these cute lima bean-painted ladybugs craft by The Teaching Bug!
How many ladybugs can your toddler make?
15. Easy DIY Mancala Game Using Beans and Egg Carton
Is your big kid learning how to play mancala? Now they can craft their own using an egg carton and lima beans in this tutorial by Martha Stewart! Let the game begin!
Teach your child how to play mancala with beans!
16. A Classy Flower Mosaic Using Beans and Pasta
This sweet flower picture idea by Crystal Shattuck Photography is an easy way for your big kids to turn an old piece of art into something adorable! Your kiddos will have a good time turning beans and pasta into an awesome masterpiece!
Craft this lovely flower with beans and pasta petals!
17. A Simple Bean Painting Activity for Toddlers
The littles might not be able to craft mosaics at the moment, but they can paint for sure! Help them do this simple painted bean mosaic project by Teach Preschool! They will love painting awesome beans for sure!
Color the beans with fun and paint!
18. Make this Beautiful Sunflower from Beans
Big and little kiddos can work together on this adorable sunflower made from beans and peeps project from A Happy Hippy Mom! They will love how awesome the final product is!
This bright bean-made sunflower can light up the day!
19. Craft This Super Cute Bean Puppy
How adorable is this bean puppy? This bean project from Free Kids Crafts is super easy to make, your kids will surely get excited to make them!
Yes, this adorable puppy is made out of beans!
20. Play with Beans and Create Real Rain Sound
The fun won’t stop when your kids finish making these dried bean rainmakers from Frugal Fun 4 Boys! It’ll be like your house is filled with fun, noisy rain, from beans!
Your kids will really enjoy making rain sound with beans!
21. Fragrant Sensory Bin Made out of Beans
The scented sensory beans idea from Kids Activities Blog is a wonderful way to keep the littles busy while the big kids create their own bean craft!
These fragrant and colorful beans can help toddlers exploore more sesnse!
22. Beans and Pasta Tandem for Kids to Try
Your kids already love making silly faces. Why not make them together with this silly face bean and pasta craft by The Idea Room? They will have a good time making these for sure.
A silly face and a lot of beans and pasta can turn a boring day around!
23. Sensory Play for Younger Kiddos with Beans and Playdough
Keep the little happy playing with this scented watermelon dough with bean seeds idea from Growing a Jeweled Rose! The bigger kids can surely focus on their crafts without the little ones disturbing them!
A colorful sensory play will help your little ones learn about their senses!
24. Create an Awesome Bean Tambourine for Kids
Your house will be shaking, rattling, and rolling when your kids get finished making this awesome bean tambourine craft from Education! Playing with beans is so much fun!
This cute andd creative beans tambourine rocks!
25. A Simple but Fun Salt Dough Activity for All Ages
Kids of any age will have fun pressing beans into the salt dough in this simple art project by Pre-school Play. This beans activity is just simply fun and awesome!
What bean designs can you press onto this salt dough?
More Fun Crafts and Activities from Play Ideas!
- Turn your garden into a ladybug field with this ladybug golfball idea!
- Rediscover wonderful toys in your home by creating toys from recycled materials!
- Sharks aren’t that scary with these cute shark art crafts!
- Your kids will fall in love owls whan they make these awesome owl crafts!
- Get ready for some amazing no-sew cloth activities for your kids!
- Keep your kids healthy by making these healthy snacks perfect for kids of all ages!
- Make a super cool and fun back-to-school party with these fun ideas!

What’s your kiddo’s favorite bean craft?