17 Bean Bag Games – Tricks to Beat the Boredom
Are you searching for ideas on bean bag games you can play with your kid? The good news is that bean bags are great toys that can beat boredom. Beyond that, bean bag activities are excellent physical activities that help improve a child’s overall health.
On that note, below are 27 fun games with bean bags you can try to develop a child’s awareness level, motor skills, and concentration.
1. Bean Bag Toss
This is a fun game to play outside. Using big baskets or beach towels, guide the kids to stand apart. The goal is to catch the bean bag tossed in the air. Each time they catch it, they earn a point. The one who makes the most points is the winner, of course.
2. Bean Bag Balance
You can use bean bags for all kinds of balancing activities. The kids can balance the bean bags on their heads, arms, hands, shoulders, and feet. They can also use other tools like a spoon.
3. Bean Bag Bubble Gum Rhyme
Adding rhymes and songs to the bean bag games you play can be great since kids love them. It doesn’t have to be complicated, even just a toss game. A simple bean ban rhyme game you can try with a group of kids is this:
- The mom, teacher, or nanny holds the bean bag and starts the game by saying a word. For instance, the word was “star.”
- They then pass the bean bag to the child next to them, who needs to think of a word that rhymes with “star.”
- If the kid said a correct rhyming word, they pass the bean bag to the next kid.
- Continue the game until a kid can no longer think of a word that rhymes with the first word.
- The kid who last held the bean bag lost the game.
- The game starts again with a new word from the last player.
4. Bean Bag Race or Relay
You can up the ante of a standard race by adding bean bags in the game. Bean bag races are great because you can get creative, like going on laps, hopping on one leg, balancing two or three bean bags on the head, or even making it a relay.
5. Bean Bag Catch
You give the child a little pot, a cup, or something similar for this catching game. It just has to be something that can’t break. It’s a little bit like the toss game, but the kids can play with a group this time. While the other kids toss the bean bag, the others try to catch them.
6. Bean Bag Hopscotch
Hopscotch is one of the best bean bag games that help develop a kid’s gross motor skills. It even helps them learn how to count. Even better is that a bean bag hopscotch is the same as a traditional game. All that’s different is using a bean bag instead of a pebble or a stone.
7. Bean Bag Basketball
The bean bag serves as the “ball” in this basketball-like game, while the bucket is the basket. The kids can be at any starting point or go by their age. Either way, you play this game by tossing and shooting the bean bag into the bucket to earn points.
8. Bean Bag Music Freeze
This is one of the bean bag games where you play music. While the music goes on, the kids throw or toss the bean bags. When the music stops, they freeze. The kids who didn’t freeze in time have to sit out, and the last player gets to win the prize.
9. Bean Bag Hula Hoop Toss
This hula hoop toss game will need some math skills but can still be fun. Here’s how to do it:
- Place a hula hoop
- Lay out different hoops at various distances
- Assign points to each hoop
- Give the hoops different levels of difficulty
- Let the kids toss the bean bags to the hoops
- Count their scores based on where they tossed the bags
Whoever gets the highest scores is the winner!
10. Bean Bag Hide and Seek
This hide and seek game using bean bags can be incredible for teaching kids early math skills. All you need to do is hide several bean bags around the house and send the kids to look for them. Ask them to count all the bean bags with each find, earning them points.
11. Bean Bag Fishing Toss
Start with creating colorful cardboard cutouts of fish. Mark the ground to create a “pond” where you can place the fishes you made. The fish tossing game starts by tossing the bean bags, and the fish they touch are caught. The child with the most fish caught at the end is the winner.
12. Bean Bag Volleyball Toss
You will need four members of this game, plus one bean bag and two towels. Set up a DIY net where you’ll be playing. The players pair up with each pair holding an open towel. They can play this bean bag volleyball toss by flicking and catching the bean using the towels.
13. Bean Bag Hot Potato
You probably know what Hot Potato is, which is a classic children’s game. This time around, your kids play it with a beanbag. It’s the same rules, but they’ll be using a bean bag as the “hot potato.” You can learn how to do this game here.
14. Bean Bag Bowling
Set up makeshift bowling with some plastic bottles, cones, cups, or anything you can use as pins. The bean bag serves as your ball, slid or thrown along the ground to knock the pins down. This bean bag bowling game can be a fun activity for developing gross motor skills.
15. Bean Bag Tic Tac Toe
While it’s usually a thinking game, you can also turn a Tic Tac Toe into gross motor activity. First, draw a Tic Tac Toe board on a large piece of paper, on the ground, or on pavement. You can learn how to do this Tic Tac Toe game here, but the kids essentially use two colors of bean bags to play – one for the Xs and one for the Os.
16. Bean Bag Juggling
This bean bag juggling game is perfect if your kids want to practice juggling. Your child can juggle two bean beans at first. Once they master it, then they can move on to adding one more. Later, they can try juggling while walking around too. This is a challenging game that’s great for building coordination.
17. Bean Bag Cornhole Toss
You’ll need to get or make a cornhole board for this bean bag game. It’s also another tossing game but with the cornhole as the target. It’s great because anyone can play it, regardless of age or skill level. Learn how to play bean bag cornhole toss here.
Wrapping Up
Bean bags are a must-have toy for moms, teachers, and caregivers alike. They are great because you can use them in games and activities to develop gross motor skills, improve math skills, or encourage creativity. We hope you have enough ideas to entertain your children with the bean bag games in the list above.