It’s hard to get kids excited about anything when it’s hot outside, so keep them cool as you experiment with ice! Beat the heat with these super cool and easy science ice experiments for hot summer days! Your little ones will surely enjoy doing them!

From exploration of the states of matter to explosion, this is fun that will have them chilling for hours on those hot summer days. Enjoy!
Cool and Easy Ice Experiments for Hot Summer Days
1. Magical Ice with Glitters
What happens when you mix baby oil, glitter, and ice together? Magic! Your little one will love this lovely experiment that looks like crystals by Play Create Explore!

2. Cool Cloud Experiment in a Jar
How do clouds form? Show it to your kiddo through this awesome ice and clouds activity from No Time For Flash Cards! In a jar when you try this awesome cloud in a jar experiment!

3. Colorful Ice and Chalk Sidewalk Experiment
Your kids will explode with excitement when they watch ice chalk erupt on the sidewalk! This experiment from Learn Play Imagine is also exploding with fun colors. Freeze some ice cubes, mix with chalk and have a colorful fun time!

4. Learn about Matter with Ice and a Cool Adventure!
Teach your kids about liquid and solid states as they rescue Anna from her icy enclosure! What a clever idea from No Time for Flash Cards! Those little hands will love to rescue Anna, of course.

5. Watch Ice Grow in this Cool Experiment!
Did you know that ice can grow? Your science kiddo will find out how and why when you grow ice in this cool ice experiment from Teach Preschool! This is not an instant ice, but they’ll learn about the freezing point of water.

6. Exploding Ice Treasure Chest
Scientists find all sorts of treasures hidden in ice and so will your kids when they explode these treasure chests. Don’t worry, this experiment from Fun-a-Day is 100% safe for kiddos. Grab your ice cube tray to make this experiment now!

7. Cool Sensory Ice Activity
Let the sensory upload begin with your little one when they mix goop and ice in this fun ice experiment from Growing a Jeweled Rose! Your little science kiddo will love to mix colors for sure.

8. Make Ice Fizz and Sizzle in this Experiment
Watch the excitement in the eyes of your little one grow when they make this easy ice fizz and sizzle experiment from Toddler Approved! Oh how I love fizzy ice sizzling with different colors.

9. Cool and Awesome Hand-Shaped Ice
Try using Kool-Aid with this ‘handy’ salt and ice experiment by Happy Hooligans to engage your kiddo’s five senses! The colorful ice mixture is one of the coolest DIY toys they can make!

10. Lovely Ice Castles
Your little one will learn what it takes to fuse ice when they make these glittery, pretty ice castles experiment by Fun-a-Day! They will be amazed watching ice molecules from the ice tray melt slowly, and beautifully.

11. Ice and Bead Experiment
Ask your first grade kiddo this pop quiz: Does ice melt faster when you freeze small things in it rather than big? They’ll love to find out with this water bead experiment by Mess for Less!

12. Make an Ice Egg with Colors!
Learn about color distribution in cold liquids as this ice egg freezes, then see how the colors blend when it melts. This super cool experiment mixed with food coloring by Bath Activities for Kids is perfect to do with kiddos on a hot afternoon!

13. Pick up Ice with String and Have Fun!
Did you know you can pick up ice with a piece of string? Your kiddos will have fun with ice and string as they practice their fine motor skills in this ice activity by Mess for Less!

14. Cool Ice Volcano Experiment
Kids of all ages definitely love volcano experiments! Believe it or not, ice volcanoes are even cooler! Try this fun and easy experiment from Reading Confetti! Love those little soap bubbles, really.

15. Take Those Frozen LEGO Men Out!
How long will it take to excavate these frozen Lego men? Let your kids have fun with this ice activity by Lemon Lime Adventures on a hot summer day!

16. Create Your Own Ice Rainbow
Add colored ice to oil and watch how it melts into a rainbow! Your little one will always be amazed about the properties of water while watching this cool experiment by 5 Orange Potatoes!

17. Colorful Painting on Ice
Have your little ones ever wondered if they could paint on ice (unavailable)? This activity from Play Counts has the answer: a colorful, and exciting YES!

18. Lovely Rainbow Science Experiment!
Your kiddos will be super excited to learn about sedimentation layers when they build this rainbow-layered ice tower experiment by Fun at Home with Kids! You’ll need bowls of water in this ice experiment.

19. Ice, Oil, and Chalk Experiment
When you paint ice chalk onto an oily surface, strange things happen with chemical reactions! Your little ones will have a blast doing this experiment by Learn Play Imagine!

20. Colorful Experiment with Watercolor and Ice
Let your little ones discover what happens when they mix salt with watercolor and ice in this science experiment by Artful Parent! It’s amazing!

21. Freeze Different Items and Have Fun!
How do different items look when you freeze them in ice? Your kiddos can now find out with cool ice activity by Pickle Bums!

22. Frozen Paint Experiment
Your younger scientists will enjoy exploring how easy it is to create with frozen paint with this freezing activity by Learn with Play at Home!

23. Have Fun with Colored Salt and Ice
What happens when you put colored salt on a block of ice? Your kiddos will love the spectacular results of this cool ice activity from Nurture Store!

24. Save the Sea Animals From the Frozen Sea
Let your kids rescue all the sea animals with this awesome saltwater ice play by Mama Papa Bubba!

25. Spectacular Ice Sculptures
Balancing learning and fun has never been so exciting! Join in the excitement as your kids build their own ice sculptures in this fun ice activity by Nurture Store!

More Cool and Fun Experiments from Play Ideas!
- Make your little one know the importance of social distancing in the midst of pandemic by going through this experiment!
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- Winter will be cooler as your little ones do these awesome winter experiments together!
- These edible science experiments will fill your kiddo’s hunger for wonder and for food!
- Your kiddos will love doing these awesome balloon science experiments on a dull afternoon!
- Want some science humor? These silly science experiments will make your kids roar with laughter and wonder!
- These safe and fun explosion science activities will surely explode some for your kiddos!

Which awesome ice experiment is the coolest for your kiddo?