Your kids might just enjoy creating something cute with all those hidden buttons in your aged jar! These button craft ideas are so perfect for your preschooler to try!
These 25 cute-as-a-button crafts are a great way to finally use those buttons you’ve been storing in a jar! Seriously cute stuff here, folk. Have fun crafting!
Super Cute Button Crafts for Kids
1. Create some Letter Buttons with your Preschooler
Does your kid love the alphabet? These cute alphabet buttons craft from Shabby Chicks is a great way your preschooler can learn letters!
2. Make These Pretty Button Barrettes for Your Girls
Got a preschool girl? Try making these cute button barrettes craft idea from BHG! Your little girl will surely fall in love with them!
3. Create These Super Cute Button Faces with Kids
Creativity will always find a way, regardless of the age. Even the youngest preschooler can make these cute button faces craft idea from Today’s Parent!

4. Help Your Kid Create this Cute Button Bird
You’ll probably have to help your preschooler make this button bird craft from House Insideout, but you’ll both love how cute it looks when you’re done!
5. Colorful and Cute Little Button Book!
Your kids will love creating these cute little bitty button book idea from What Will We Do Today! Let those tiny preschooler brains get to the creative world of buttons!
6. Cute and Creative Bookmarks from Buttons
Prepare your preschooler to love book reading! Kids will love marking the pages in their books with these overly cute button bookmarks idea from Mango and Passion Fruit!

7. Your Kid can Make Flowers Out of Buttons!
Roses are red, violets are blue, but these cute button flower bouquets can be created by you! This cute craft idea from Lilluna will be a wonder for your preschooler to create with whatever color you they wish!
8. Make These Lovely Button Bracelets with Your Preschooler
Bright colors abound in this cute button bracelet tutorial from Mashia Crafts! Perfect for preschool friendships, or for kids of all ages!
9. Try Making These Cute Button Bugs with Your Kids
These wiggly fun-tastic button bugs idea from Parents will wiggle into your giggly preschooler’s heart! It’s so cute you can’t resist it!
10. Create a Simply Amazing Crisscross Button Bracelets
Your kids can create intricate things! Take this cool and cute crisscross button bracelet idea from Craft Pimp! This is definitely a wonderful gift for your preschooler to make!
11. Race with Your Preschooler with these Button Racing cars!
The race is on with these super cute button cars craft idea from Ikat Bag! Your preschooler will surely love racing with those hot button wheels!
12. A Flower Button Card is a Must-try for Kids
Making this button flower pot card idea from A Handful of Buttons is the sweetest and cutest way to thank someone! You and your preschooler will surely have a great time making this cute card!
13. A Cuteness Overloaded Button Caterpillar!
This super cute button caterpillar craft idea from Parents will worm its way into your preschooler’s heart!
14. Play Checkers with Button Pieces
Add a twist to the classic checkers game. Road trips with your preschooler will never be boring once you make this cute traveling button checkers game idea from Creative Mama on a Dime!
15. Your Kids will love Matching Colors with Buttons and Felt Cloth!
Is your preschooler bored with the usual “match the color” activity? Play color matching games with these cute and easy to make button felt color balloons idea from The Red Kitchen!
16. Make Any Cute Arts Using Buttons and Frame It
This cute button elephant craft idea by Busted Button is going to look adorable in any preschool bedroom! You can also create other designs!
17. Creative Button Fairy Garden for your Preschooler
Shh! The fairy’s are sleeping deep inside this button fairy garden craft idea from Listotic! Your kids will surely have fun making this cute button craft!

18. Creative Button Headbands for Preschool Girls!
This is another cute idea for your preschool girl! Help your girl accessorize with this button headband by Sugar Bee Crafts!
19. Do You Know the Button Man?
Your preschooler will love making this button man craft by Sea of Ideas! Button crafts are cute in any language!
20. Be Creative with Designing Pots with Buttons!
Preschoolers can say thank you to their teachers with this button flower pot design by Laura Kelly Designs! This craft is so cute your kids will also love making them!
21. Cute Button Snake Crafts for Preschoolers
Work on those fine motor skills with this creative button snake idea by Happy Hooligans! This fun and easy to use craft will get your preschooler wanting for more cute activities!
22. Make Some Classic Button-Sock Puppets Today
These cute, no-sew button sock puppets idea from Scrapiana are a great way to use those loose laundry socks! Your preschooler will surely love them!
23. Match Colors and Buttons with These Cute Sorting Cups!
Practice your preschooler’s fine motor skills with these button sorting cups activity by About Family Crafts. They’ll surely love inserting those colorful buttons!

24. Make a Creative Button Tree from Tissue Paper Roll!
The apples don’t fall far from the button tree in this cute button and tissue paper craft from I Heart Crafty Things! Your preschooler will surely love making these!
25. Create a Cute Felt Button Chain with your Preschooler
Practice more of your child’s fine motor skills and color recognition activity in this felt button chain craft by Tips From a Typical Mom Blog!

More Fun Craft Ideas and Activities from Play Ideas!
- Spice up your Christmas with this Santa lazy gnome craft idea!
- Less is more with these simply creative crafts using just 2-3 materials!
- More cute and snake crafts for your kids to make!
- Tap your toddler’s creative mind with these cute handprint activities!
- Gratitude is best shown with kid’s creation and crafts for their teachers!
- Your preschool girl will love making these cute beads crafts!
- Kool-aid is more than just juice. Your kids will have fun with these cute Kool-aid craft ideas!

Which cute button crafts are you going to do with your preschooler today?